Welcome to the Wollhaus Newsletter Archive.  Key topics are listed and linked to the actual newsletter.  Please consider signing up to receive our newsletter directly to your inbox (Sign-up at the bottom of the page).

01/10/2021 Quick Knits with Chunky/Bulky Yarn

11/21/2021 Classes starting

10/30/2019 Felix Workshop

10/12/2019 Knitted Knockers

09/28/2019 Workshops including Campside Cardi

09/24/2019 Shibui Mix Party and Trunk Show

09/18/2019 September Classes

08/21/2018  Summer Sale

08/04/2018  Bolan Tee Workshop

07/03/2018  Woolfolk FW17 Trunk Show

06/19/2018  Mira Tee Knit-a-Long

06/05/2018  Lizzie Sweater Workshop

05/15/2018  Come See the New Limited Edition Ranch 01 Yarn

04/18/2018  Join us for the LA Yarn Crawl!

03/02/2018  Perfect First Sweater Project

02/22/2018  Sweater Workshop - Ginsberg

02/08/2018  Winter Sale

01/10/2018  Brooklyn Tweed Trunk Show

01/06/2018  Pussy Hat KAL this Monday

12/23/2017  Happy Holidays - Wollhaus Hours this Week

12/08/2017  Within Trunk Show

11/07/2017  Craft Temari Balls

10/26/2017  Isabella KAL starts Saturday

10/05/2017  Brioche Workshop this Sunday

09/13/2017  Join Wollhaus for fun classes this Fall!

09/02/2017  Join Us in September for the Finish-It KAL

08/16/2017  Summer Sale

07/26/2017  Mariana Shawl

07/21/2017  Pebble Beach KAL

07/15/2017  Learn to Knit

06/24/2017  Wool People Trunk Show

06/08/2017  Summer Sweater Workshop - Quick Sand

05/20/2017  Learn to Knit Socks

05/15/2017  Workshops:  Learn to Knit & Fearless Fix-it

05/13/2017  Catona Crochet Flower Shawl Workshop

05/11/2017  Join Us for the Joji Mystery KAL

05/04/2017  Join the Online Emerson KAL

04/20/2017  Woolbuddies Needle Felting Workshop

04/04/2017  Join Wollhaus for a Brooklyn Yarn Tasting

03/25/2017  Join Wollhaus for the LA Yarn Crawl

02/07/2017  Gurnsey Wrap Knit-a-Long

01/24/2017  Wollhaus Winter Sale

12/06/2016  Knit Collage Trunk Show, Temari, and Mini Stockings

11/22/2016  Happy Thanksgiving - Wollhaus Hours and Specials

11/09/2016  Angelia Robinson's Crochet Trunk Show and Upcoming Workshop

11/03/2016  Create Beautiful Japanese Temari Balls 

10/29/2016  Announcing Tumon Bay

10/26/2016  Come visit the Yarnover Truck - New Shawl Design

10/17/2016  Crochet Borders for Knitters

10/13/2016  Beginning Lace Workshop

10/05/2016  October at Wollhaus - Uniform Cardigan Knit-a-Long, Pumpkins, Lace, and More

09/14/2016  Uniform Cardigan Knit-a-Long Starts Soon!!